Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cómo acreditar la ciudadanÃÂa por naturalización
Cà ³mo acreditar la ciudadanà a por naturalizacià ³n Los nuevos estadounidenses que obtienen la ciudadanà a por naturalizacià ³n pueden acreditar su estatus mediante un certificado conocido como N-550. Es el documento que se entrega al finalizar la ceremonia de naturalizacià ³n con la jura de lealtad a los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n se le conoce como certificado de naturalizacià ³n y no debe confundirse con el certificado de ciudadanà a, que es un documento distinto para otro tipo de casos. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n debe revisarse con atencià ³n en ese momento y, si hubiera algà ºn error, como un mal deletreo del nombre o del apellido o un fallo en la fecha de nacimiento o paà s de origen o en el estado civil, debe comunicarse a un oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En ese momento podr corregirse de forma gratuita. Este certificado de naturalizacià ³n es muy importante. Ya que acredita que una persona ha dejado de ser extranjera por las autoridades de los Estados Unidos. Y, por lo tanto, se convierte en ciudadana estadounidense de pleno derecho, con todos los derechos, libertades y obligaciones. Adems, este certificado sirve para acreditar la nacionalidad para sacar el pasaporte estadounidense y como documento que pruebe al llenar el I-9 que se tiene derecho a trabajar en Estados Unidos. En este artà culo se explican cules son las caracterà sticas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n, que est prohibido hacer con à ©l, cules son los consejos que deben seguirse en su custodia, quà © debe hacerse si se extravà a o deteriora y, finalmente, derechos de los nuevos ciudadanos que deciden irse a vivir definitivamente o por largas temporadas a otro paà s. Caracterà sticas fà sicas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n N-550 En la actualidad este documento cuenta con importantes medidas de seguridad que dificultan su falsificacià ³n. Por ejemplo, la foto del nuevo ciudadano aparece digitalizada, la firma forma parte intrà nseca del certificado y la tinta con la que se imprime cambia de color. Todas estas caracterà sticas hacen que ahora sea muy difà cil adulterar, falsificar o manipular el documento. Destacar que los certificados anteriores a 2010, que carecen de esas caracterà sticas, siguen siendo vlidos. Pero debido a caracterà sticas como tener la foto del interesado simplemente pegada y su firma escrita a mano hacen que no sean tan seguros como los actuales. Por este motivo, se recomienda que se tomen especiales medidas para tenerlo siempre en un lugar seguro para evitar que pueda caer en manos criminales. Prohibicià ³n de fotocopiar el certificado de naturalizacià ³n y excepcià ³n Este certificado es mucho ms que un simple papel. Su titular es ciudadano de Estados Unidos, con todos los derechos que eso conlleva. Y precisamente para evitar que se pueda hacer uso fraudulento del mismo, se considera que es ilegal fotocopiarlo. Sin embargo, hay una excepciones a esta regla general. Y es que se puede fotocopiar cuando el propio USCIS u otra oficina del gobierno es quien solicita una copia. Por ejemplo, cuando el nuevo ciudadano solicita una visa para su prometido o novia, o cuando pide una green card para un familiar. Aà ºn en estos casos, algunos abogados recomiendan que la fotocopia se haga en blanco y negro y que en la parte blanca del margen se anote This is a copy for USCIS purposes. Tambià ©n se puede fotocopiar cuando sea otro organismo oficial del gobierno quien realiza la peticià ³n. En algunas ceremonias de naturalizacià ³n, los agentes del USCIS seà ±alan que el certificado sà se puede fotocopiar pero sà ³lo en blanco y negro y sà ³lo para que su titular lo guarde y lo utilice como una herramienta para tener tranquilidad mental. Es decir, saber que tiene una copia si el original se pierde. (Pero la copia no puede nunca ser utilizada para ninguna gestià ³n oficial excepto en los dos casos arriba aludidos). En ningà ºn caso se puede fotocopiar y enviar la copia a una empresa privada o entregarla a familiares, amigos o vecinos. Consejos para el mantenimiento del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n Procurar no doblar el certificado. Con el paso del tiempo podrà a hacer que partes del documento se hagan difà ciles de leer. No enmarcar el certificado. Las oficinas del gobierno sà ³lo lo pueden aceptar como documento si no est enmarcado. Es necesario poder tocar el certificado.Si tiene que ir a la Embajada o al consulado de su paà s de nacimiento para registrar la ciudadanà a estadounidense y asà conservar la original, no permitir que marquen, grapen o escriban en el certificado. Si lo hacen, el certificado se considera daà ±ado y habr que pedir uno nuevo al USCIS (instrucciones ms abajo). Quà © hacer si se necesita obtener una nueva copia del certificado de naturalizacià ³n Puede suceder que el certificado sufra daà ±os, se extravà e o, incluso, que se cambie de nombre por matrimonio, divorcio u otra razà ³n. En estos casos se puede solicitar que el USCIS emita un nuevo certificado rellenando el formulario N-565. La tarifa actual que hay que pagar es de $345 por la gestià ³n (verificar siempre el importe, a que puede variar sin previo aviso). Si se est pasando por una à ©poca de dificultades econà ³micas, podrà a ser posible, si se cumplen los requisitos, aplicar para no tener que pagar estar tarifa al USCIS En ese enlace se puede acceder siempre a formulario actualizado, a informacià ³n al dà a sobre costo por enviar esta solicitud y a quà © oficina del USCIS se debe enviar, dependiendo del lugar en el que se reside. El USCIS entregar el nuevo certificado al titular en persona, a su representante legal o utilizar correo certificado o registrado. Si la razà ³n por la que se pide el nuevo certificado es que el original se ha daà ±ado, antes de recibir el nuevo hay que entregar, obligatoriamente, lo que quede del daà ±ado. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n reemplazado recibe el nombre tà ©cnico de N-570. A tener en cuenta cuando el ciudadano se muda a otro paà s Ahora que ya se es ciudadano,se puede pasar largas temporadas en otro paà s o mudarte definitivamente al extranjero sin perder nunca el estatus de ciudadano por el mero hecho de vivir en otro paà s. En estos casos es importante saber cà ³mo se transmite la nacionalidad por sangre a los hijos nacidos en el extranjero. Asimismo, es importante saber quà © derechos de jubilacià ³n se tiene u otros como votar en las elecciones presidenciales. Por otra parte, no olvidar que se siguen teniendo obligaciones, como seguir pagando impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Academic Service for All Students Who Want to Improve Writing Skills
Academic Service for All Students Who Want to Improve Writing Skills Scholarship essays vary depending on the subject in question. In most cases, you are required to recount for personal experiences to write a compelling paper. So, in this part, you will be able to know useful tips that can help you write a good paper, as well as choose good scholarship essay topics. When writing, you need to know the subject matter explicitly. Therefore, you need to devote substantial time, that is around one to two weeks while brainstorming ideas. Here below are some points worth consideration when brainstorming. First, you need to be aware of your accomplishments and be able to determine you consider them to be so. Of noteworthy is that you need not limit yourself to the things that you have accomplished, but also consider the stale ones while placing them in the context of your life. Second, think about qualities that may be of a distinguishing factor, and be able to explain it vividly. Meanwhile, you can as well write about the favorite books, and movies that you think have a great impact on your life. Also, your audience will be thrilled to know some sorts of moments that have proved tough in your life. Think of struggling moments, and be able to explain whether you succeeded or not. I this context, be able to explain whether you managed. Third, a trait is one of the most sought after feature when it comes to these types of essays. Be able to explain your philosophies while explaining why you believe in them. Also, explaining how your friends characterize you based on these attributes will be a plus. To get quality assistance, and even be able to attain better topics for scholarship essay, you should join us today. We assist students in writing their essays at the most affordable rate. Furthermore, our team of writers are well-versed with different niches. Thus, they are capable of tailoring an essay to fit the requirements needed. Some easy scholarship essay topics you can get from us are as enlisted below. The inspiration My objectives for the next five years My dreams The person who motivated my ideologies My accomplishments Also, you will be able to get themes that are related to scholarship essays from us. Some of them include champion, college, community, competition, contribution, career, and classroom, among others. We have vast choices, so you don’t have to stress yourself. Instead, consider joining our dedicated team of professionals and get quality assistance today. We often assign the best writer, depending on the subject matter. Therefore, you do not have to worry when you have a task. How to Write Better Given interesting scholarship essay topics Handling an essay can sometimes prove a daunting task, especially when you want to perfect the outcome. In this case, you want to please the audience, and even speak boldly about your objectives of that particular school, as well as aims of that particular award. It is not easy as it may seem because, in this scenario, you have to alter it to show the panel that you deserve the prize. So, this is why we have created the best scholarship essay topics that you can often choose from. Our tutors often do this sort of task to our clients; that is, they will choose the best fitting topic for you depending on the question. Then, he or she will go ahead to write the entire prompt as you wait for the result. There are vast college scholarship essay topics you can often retrieve from our website. Most of them are well crafted in such a way to fit the question being asked. Of noteworthy is that we offer quality papers free from plagiarism and that our tutors have at least a master’s degree. Other forms will sell you prewritten work, thus resulting in plagiarism. To avoid this sort of issue, we assign a specific tutor to work on your paper by giving it an individualized approach. Why You Need Help with Scholarship Essay Topics for College Students There are several reasons why a student may need help with scripting essays. Most teachers may consider this as cheating, but it is not. We hold a contrary opinion. Selecting good topics for an scholarship essay may be very hard for a student, and this is an area we want to eliminate for our clients so that you may succeed in whatever application you are undertaking. Notably, you may have difficulty in finding the correct information to write a well-scripted paper. Perhaps, your English is not good, and you do not want to do it alone for fear of writing the broken language, thus risking staining your image. Well, you do not have to worry at all since we are here to alleviate such problems for you to make your life a smooth one. Our website has numerous topics to write an scholarship essay on, and you can always pick some of these samples to give you a head start. However, we will not let you undergo the pain of having to write this paper all alone. Because of this fact, we have a protocol that you can always use to make an order and let one of our esteemed writers handle your paper. By choosing us, you get numerous benefits, most of which you will not get in other areas. They include customized content, plagiarism free paper, unlimited revisions, and privacy. Also, we have secure payment options, so you do not have to worry about the options we offer. Our customer service is online daily and anytime. Thus, you can reach us now if you have a paper that you need help with. We will be glad to assist. On how to reach us, you have options, such as making a phone call, email, and live chatting the customer care agent. Alternatively, you can fill the order forms directly and specify all the instructions correctly so that we can assign the best writer to work on your prompt.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties Essay - 3
Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties - Essay Example Almost since its passage, The Patriot Act has come under fire as violating a number of civil liberties that all persons in the United States acquired with the passage of the Bill of Rights, specifically the First Amendment as well as the Fourth Amendment. It is my position that the passage of the Patriot Act, in fact, sought to ‘amend the amendments’, and take away basic freedoms and civil liberties, along with giving the government more power and control than was needed. Over 200 years ago, the Constitution was drafted in response to freedom from a different kind of terrorist – the King of England and the Parliament of England. Determined never again to live in fear and oppression, the Constitution along with its ensuing amendments were drafted in order to give the American people basic rights and freedoms, and to ensure that they were never again taken away arbitrarily. First and foremost was the freedom to express an opinion without fear of reprisal. Closely fo llowing this was the freedom to protect private property and personal effects from unreasonable search and seizure. Since the passage of the Patriot Act, these amendments have both suffered. ... Since the passage of the Patriot Act, no longer can one expect privacy when writing an e-mail, or having a phone conversation – and what is worse, the FBI or law enforcement does not have to show that there is ‘probable cause’ to break down anyone’s door with a search warrant. Though there are supporters of the Patriot Act that have argued that the restrictions on civil liberties and freedoms are necessary in order to protect the country, others disagree, as do I. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has posted statements on their website that The Patriot Act violates the First and Fourth Amendments. Specifically cited is Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which gives the government the ability to look at the records of individuals that had previously deemed sacred. The First Amendment had guaranteed the ‘right of the press’. Section 215, according to the ACLU, allows the government to request records from libraries, bookstores, and publisher s, without probable cause. Thinking about reading The Anarchist’s Cookbook? Think again – the government may soon legally, thanks to the Patriot Act, be bursting through your door to ask why – or worse, throw you in jail. Agreeing with the ACLU is the Freedom to Read Committee of the Association of American Publishers, who issued a statement that read, in part, that â€Å"Section 215 presents a significant threat to investigative journalists who write about subjects that may be related to terrorism.†Though the committee recognized and actually agreed that there was an â€Å"urgency†in providing federal and state law enforcement officials with information that could potentially lead to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Auditing - Essay Example Audit risk refers to anything that will prevent ABC Chartered Accountants from giving a correct and an appropriate audit report about Zebra. Inherent risk involves the risk that the operations of Zebra within the period had issues that could lead to material misstatements or errors (Collier and Agyei-Ampomah, 2010). This will include the risks that staff members and managers in Zebra can conduct certain fraudulent or wrong activities in course of the operation of the company. The obvious inherent risk involves the pressures and changes that occurred in the period. The obvious increase in the credit period which gives external entities access to funds meant for Zebra and this causes an extended lock up of capital which could lead to the significant defaults and losses to the company. There is also the risk of staff members overstating their earnings and their sales in order to gain the commissions that have been offered. Finally, the pressure to join the Australian Stock Market provides the risk for Zebra staff members to overstate the asset position in order to attain a favourable view before various investors and the Au stralian public. Control risks involve the possibility that the controls put in place by Zebras management and directors will be overridden in a way that could lead to fraud or errors in the financial statements (Pickett, 2010). This involve the risks of the EFTOS system being abused by some parties in the company to lead to fraud and error. Secondly, the risk of people overstating their sales and indulging in unethical practices plays a significant role in overriding the systems. Additionally, the management of Zebra could override the systems if they all indulge in groupthink and they all second the need to get listed to expand the firm. This could lead to major problems and issues that can involve the complete disregard for internal controls. Detection risks is the possibility of ABCs
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Example for Free
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Growing up, every role model and spokesperson constantly reiterated that we, as individuals, could be whoever we wanted to be. We could grow up to be doctors, lawyers, firefighters, or any other plethora of occupations that tickled our fancy. With those seeds firmly planted in our young minds, we began our eternal quest to search for the perfect career. The quest for that ideal vocation, however, is not easily facilitated. For those of us that are unsure of our future endeavors or are curious about the accuracy of our career choice, a plethora of advancements in analyzing personality profiles have been developed to aid in such arduous matters.  One of those advancements is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which aids individuals in determining their personality type in attempt to pair them with their ideal career.            Developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a very intricate test that helps individuals discover their personality type (Martin). The test is broken into four different categories, which help produce the sixteen possible personality types. The categories are Introvert/Extrovert, Sense/Intuition, Thought/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving (TypeTalk). The basis of these four categories relies on the idea that each individual relates more to one extreme than to other; thus, each individual tends to be more introverted or more extroverted, not exactly in the middle. After analyzing a person’s personality with regards to behavioral tendencies in all four categories, one of the sixteen personality profiles is revealed. (Tieger, 13)            After taking the test for myself, I found that my personality type is slated as INTP, or introvert, intuition, thinking, and perceiving. Introverts mainly â€Å"focus their attention and energy in the world inside of themselves†¦they try to understand the world before they experience it†(Tieger, 14). The intuition portion of the profile shows that one â€Å"naturally reads between the lines to look for meaning in all things,†(Tieger, 18) while the thinking portion shows a preference to â€Å"decisions that make sense logically†¦[and] pride themselves on their ability to be objective and analytical in the decision making process†(Tieger, 21). Finally, the perceiving portion details the desire for flexibility and freedom of open-ended options and the ability to adapt in new situations (Tieger, 25). Overall, when putting these traits together, the INTP personality types, like myself, enjoy making logic-based decisions, being objective and analytical, as well as seeking more knowledge about the workings of the world around them (Myers).            Once an individual has their personality profile, they can use it to gauge the accuracy of their chosen vocation, mostly because it aids in demonstrating which personality traits fit best with which careers. In conclusive evidence with varying resources, I have found that my personality type fits perfectly with my architecture career choice. In fact, the Journal of Management in Engineering conducted a research study to explore what types of personality traits best fit construction and architecture design jobs. According to the study, â€Å"those possessing a preference for Intuitive data collection (MBTI, N) and Perceiving structure (MBTI, P) outperformed individuals with preferences for Sensing and Judging, in both planning and construction†(Carr, 1). Another study also looked at the Myers-Briggs personality traits of civil engineers. The study concluded that â€Å"they are predominantly introverted, preferring to focus their energy on the internal world of ideas and possibilities. They prefer to gather their facts using their senses, and are predisposed to facts and figures†¦they show a slight preference for a structured environment†(Johnson Singh, 1). Tieger’s book also lists architects and civil engineers as an appropriate professional/business career for INTP types. â€Å"These professional careers also offer INTPs plenty of opportunities to analyze and solve complex problems†¦[they] require clear, logical thinking and innovative approaches to problems and challenges†(Tieger, 255). Besides the previous studies and examples proving that my personality type is suited for a career as an architect, it is easy to derive such a conclusion based on the traits demonstrated through my personality type. Being an introvert, someone who prefers the inner world and the ability to think thoughts through, promotes the required intelligence required to design and execute complex architectural design projects. The intuitive part of my personality profile is depictive of the desire to understand and seek out knowledge, as well as the ability to understand and propagate different constructive solutions. The thinking portion promotes the use of logic and analytical skills that are necessary attributes for an architect to create logical engineering solutions. The perceiving portion is evidence of the ability to adapt and change, to come up with new solutions and creative ideas to architectural models that need exploring, as well as the flexibility to attempt such ideas. Overall, it is very easy to see that my personality type of INTP does, in fact, coincide with my desire to be an architect. Throughout the ever changing world, people change careers several times in their lives in hopes of finding a career that will best suit their needs, their talents, and their goals. Luckily, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is a valuable tool that many people can benefit from. This tool was very accurate in pairing my personality with my ambition to be an architect, proving that I fit with my chosen career field. References Carr, Paul G. â€Å"Relationship between personality traits and performance for engineering and architectural professionals providing design services.†Journal of Management in Engineering 18.n4 (September-October 2002): 158. Johnson, Holly M., and Amarjit Singh. â€Å"The personality of civil engineers.† Journal of Management in Engineering 14.n4 (July-August 1998): 45(12). Martin, Charles. â€Å"INTP Personality Type.†KnowYourType.            http://www.knowyourtype.com/intp.html Myers, Steve. â€Å"Myers-Briggs: A Complete Guide.†Team Technology. http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/tt/t-articl/mb-simpl.htm Tieger, Barbara B., and Paul Tieger. Do What You are: Discover the Perfect Career for You through the Secrets of Personality Type. New York: 2001. â€Å"Type Talk†Inc. 20.n10 (July 1998): p76(1)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
TV News :: essays research papers
TV News I started mowing lawns in my neighborhood when I was only 12. It was the only way I could put money in my pocket. I had several yards and I usually started early Saturday morning and worked right through about midday. There is something euphoric about mowing a lawn. It really gives you lots of time to think about almost anything. It was while doing this that I came across my love for TV. I remember mowing the yards one Saturday after my girlfriend and I had broken up. It was all I could do to keep it off my mind. I started thinking that there had to be other people my age out there with problems and then I wondered; how do other teenagers solve their problems. I thought about it and decided that if they didn’t have a way I was going to come up with one. So I came up with the idea of a teen talk show and pitched it to the manager of the government access station here in town. Teen Link was the name of the show and we discussed everything from breaking up with your significant other to dealing with the loss of a loved one. Although the show is no longer in production it really allowed me to get my feet wet in what was going to be the start of a hopefully long and prosperous career in broadcasting. Working for a news station now I realize how far government TV was from the reality of TV news but a career in news can be particularly exciting. The variety of the job, the gratification of communicating to thousands of people, the fast paced atmosphere makes the job not only exciting but extremely demanding. In general people don’t realize how many people it takes to put on a single newscast. Often times it takes a crew of 10 or 12 to make the news come alive. The most coveted position though out of all of those jobs is anchor. The anchor, or broadcast news analyst, analyze, and interpret news and deliver then news, introduce packages and live reports from reporters in the field. Although it looks like they have it made they probably have one of the toughest jobs in the station. In general the smaller the market is the more work an anchor is going to do. In small markets they will write and produce most of the newscast, as well as the teases and promo spots you see before the afternoon and late night newscasts.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reaction paper about National Museum Essay
The only time I went to National Museum was when we were required visiting and taking a photo of the manunggul jar, as part of our historic appreciation in our History subject. On July 26, 2013, my peers and I went to National Museum to see antique and prehistoric things about the early times. I feel humiliated and embarrass for not visiting a museum while I find time to go to arcade doing nonsense things. I didn’t know that there are two museums, but we were informed by the guard on duty when we went to one of these museums that there is only one museum. However, the main museum is actually the Museum of the Filipino People located in the former Department of Finance Building. And the National Museum that we know is currently called the National Gallery of Art, which is an extension of the museum. With a wage of 50.00 per head, me and my comrades were mesmerized and was amazed by the beauty of the systematize preservation of the ancient items inside the museum. We were instructed to leave our things in a room. More like a baggage room. And bring with us important things like gadgets and wallets. It is not allowed to use pen inside the galleries. However, a pencil is accepted. We were escorted by a steward which we can ask questions regarding some information about the entities inside the gallery. I was very startled when we walked by to the first gallery. The colonnade is about the Treasures of the San Diego: The Wreck Site, wherein we feel fascinated by the different survived apparatuses in San Diego. We saw their defensive weapons which included the breastplates, leather doublets, shields, and protective helmets. Also, we saw the offensive weapons for hand-to-hand combat like daggers and swords. With 27 steps in the stair, we reach the second destination. The second gallery was composed of different things in the Philippines and Southeast Asian Contacts. There, we were quenched by thirst of excitement when our eyes lay upon the manunggul jar. Because finally we were able to take a picture . End the goal in this visit. But to be able to redeem the payments, we continued the voyage. I am so captivated about the artifacts. I have also seen a pitzel and some types of kettles. It has a smooth texture. We have also seen vessels and basins. Plates from the Chinese people during the barter period were also displayed in this part of gallery. Like the first gallery there are some armors and weapons. We saw different types of jars in their different, styles, shapes, sizes and designs which enthrall my feelings. Some paintings hung in the wall allure me. It somehow brought different charisma to me. These paintings are about the Philippine culture during the Spanish era. My eyes were magnetized by the piece of metals that later I discovered to be elements like a piece of copper, gold,lead, and silver. The different types and sizes of teeth entice me. In this part of the gallery I was able to see some portraits of voyagers and colonizers with their works like Morga and Magellan. I was stunned when I saw the different insects like butterfly, grasshoppers and lizards in their different sizes and looks. But what surprised me most is the lizard with wings, later I learned that this insect was discovered by our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. There are also some types of crabs. Shells are also spectacled in this gallery. With 24 steps upward the stairs; we are already on the colony of our third journey. We were greeted by the astounding different objects that were conserved in the gallery. Jars- the first object who welcomed us. Different kinds of jars like Spanish jars, Siamese jars, Dragon jars, Martaban jars, Brown-glazed jars from Thailand and etc. There was this sculpture or something like a exhibit of a true-volcano in this part of gallery. I was so wow because of the artisticity of these thing. There was also a painting of how the Cagayan people catch food by hunting wild animals and fishing. I feel a little bit scared when I look at the skullcap of a Tabon woman. I sense I was back when I saw the paraphernalia during the time of gardening. I was staggered by the ships and things for the water usage hung on the wall. There were also some kinds of weapons like bow, arrow, bolos, and sharp things. I wondered for what the map when we passed by. I was amused when I later inform that you press the button, the place where the light appeared is the place where you can find jade, carnelian and glass. The great thing was the Philippines is one of the luckiest country who possesses this luxury goods. I was staggered by the architectural type of structure about the early Filipino type of habitation. Again for the third time, I saw collections of jars, plates, and bowls. There was also an exhibit of the destroyed ship. It shows how they find some things on this wrecked ship. With 24 steps we entered the fourth gallery naming Don Vicente Gallery where we have seen the dresses and clothing of the Filipino. Their ornaments and things for beautification. We saw musical instruments like gongs, flutes, xylophones, and stringed instruments. There was also wallpapers about how the ancient Filipinos’ education. I was enchanted and was feeling excited about entering a huge exhibit of a kubo gallery . I was careful in walking because the floor is slippery. However, I still enjoyed the gallery for it reminds me that Filipino culture is still the best among all. Gallery 5 is still close because of some renovation. I received an information that gallery 5 is about the modern technology. Going to the National Museum is a experience that I would never ever forget. This place reminds me of who I am and where did I come from. This shows how the ancient people survived in the early period. How their living was and how aggressive they are when it comes to merchandising things. I feel am again baptize not as a Catholic but as proud citizen of the Philippines. This serves as the evidence that it is truly more fun in the Philippines!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Peter’s Escape from Prison Essay
12 Acts: 1-18 narrates the story of the unsuccessful conviction of Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. The verse begins when King Herod arrested several people who belonged to the church, including James, the brother of John, to be executed. When Herod heard that this apprehension of church members appealed to the Jews, he then ordered for Peter to be arrested. Peter’s arrest coincided with the feast of the Unleavened Bread. Before the dawn of his execution, Peter was visited by an angel of the Lord and the angel instructed Peter to follow. As Peter did so, the angel suddenly disappeared as they reached the city gates. Peter contemplated for a moment and finally decided to visit Mary, mother of John. Rhoda, Mary’s servant, ran to the door and was so overjoyed that she did not let Peter in. Rhoda exclaimed that Peter is back while the crowd inside the house exclaimed that Rhoda must be out of her mind. Peter kept knocking until they finally opened the gate. When they did, they were astonished with Peter’s presence and Peter told them how the Lord had brought him out of prison. He also instructed to tell James and his brothers of his arrival. He left after doing so. Meanwhile, Herod searched for Peter and had the guards guarding Peter executed.            There are several themes that are present in the verse. One of which is the historicity of the passage, as it refers to several characters that did exist during that time. Herod Agrippa I is the Herod mentioned in Acts 12; completely unrelated to the other popular Herod who ruled Judea during the time of Jesus’ birth. However, their essence as biblical characters remains similar, as they both persecute followers of Christ, with the latter persecuting Jesus himself. The philosophical theme of this passage is with the experience of reality, theistically and empirically. The passage can be interpreted in many ways, with different explanations succeeding it. If viewed theistically, the questions lies with the moral dilemma of the household of Mary. As the servant Rhoda answers the door, she is overjoyed to see Peter, but fails to open the door. The supposed crowd inside the house reply dubiously and does not believe Rhoda entirely until they have seen Peter himself. When they did see Peter, they were astonished; an expression of shock similar to another passage in the bible where Jesus appears in front of his apostles. Their expression was of disbelief and the men needed proof in order to accept his existence. Peter’s experience being held captive furthered his faith with God as he somehow knew that he was going to escape the conviction of Herod. This faith does not require prior knowledge or experience to affirm God’s help. It was immediately represented by the angel who quietly escorted Peter out of prison.            Empirically speaking, the question on the notion of the angel who helped Peter escaped remains dubious, since Peter himself did not know if the angel was real. He merely assumed that he was having a hallucination. It explains the problem between faith and experience. Peter, already experiencing the phenomenon, still refuses to accept reality. The theme also centers on the distinction between faith and experience. The crowd inside Mary’s house remain dubious of Peter, just as the apostles were dubious in Jesus’ presence. Faith entails a belief without any evidence or confirmation of the subject’s experience. There is no such thing as experiential faith, as espoused by the crowd and somehow, Peter. Peter reflected for a moment after escaping prison that he knows without a doubt that God has helped him. Meaning that some small portion of his faith was garbled by doubt but nevertheless chose to remain faithful.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Aisle and Isle
Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle By Maeve Maddox When I came across this use of the word isle on a parenting site, I couldnt help wondering how common the error might be: many people share beliefs from one end of the isle, and some from the other. The context was an item about teaching children about differing political views without prejudicing them against right or left. The writers use of the word isle refers to the seating arrangements in the U.S. in which national representatives and senators sit according to party affiliation. In the U. S. House of Representatives, members of the Democratic Party sit to the Speakers right and members of the Republican Party sit to the Speakers left. A wide central aisle divides the well of the House. In the U. S. Senate, Democratic senators sit to the presiding officers right, and Republican senators sit to the presiding officers left. Metaphorically speaking, ones political opinions can be said to belong to one side of the aisle or the other. A Google search for one side of the isle brought up nearly seven million hits. Many of them were used in reference to small islands, like the Isle of Man, but a dismaying number of links led to texts in which isle occurred in a context that called for aisle. Many were being used in a political context: In the political space there are tons of examples that highlight this issue and they are often controversial. As I said they don’t reside on one side of the isle. Shy of a few misguided Republicans I think the blame for this debacle will lie 99% with one side of the isle. Where does each side of the isle stand on foreign aid? Other examples occurred in literal contexts in which the meaning was passageway between seats or shelves and not small island or island-like structure: If you are in a supermarket stand in the middle of the isle and stare at the products on one side of the isle (leadership training exercise) This [Amtrak] car offers what we call 2 1 seating, where there are two seat [sic] on one side of the isle and one seat on the other side. Perhaps, the most memorable scene of perplexing symbolism follows Alice, with a shovel against her shoulder, and Luc through the toy isle of a supermarket. On one side of the isle, Alice is staring at Barbie dolls (movie review) A little boy was part of his aunts wedding party. As he was coming down the isle during the ceremony (lead-in to a joke in which isle is used for aisle four times in six sentences) Isle derives from Latin insula, island. When it came into English in the late 13th century, the word was spelled ile. Aisle derives from a word meaning wing. (Old French ele, Modern French aile.) The s was restored to the English word ile in the late 1500s. By then, ile and ele/aile had become confused, perhaps from a notion of a detached part of a church (Online Etymology Dictionary), so an s found its way into aisle to match isle. Both aisle and isle are pronounced [Ä «l]. Seating charts for U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OU15 Idioms for Periods of Time
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content
Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content By Sharon Writing for the web is another great freelance writing market. Its already huge and its growing every day. Theres so much web content out there that you need to make yours stand out. Here are four ways to make your web content appeal to readers. 1. Descriptive Titles The title of your article should tell the reader what its about. Some people like to use humor, while others prefer to play it straight. It doesnt matter, as long as readers know what to expect. Readers want to know whats in it for them. A good title will tell them. Thats one of the reasons that article titles with numbers in them tend to do well. If your article is called: Seven Ways To Land Your Perfect Partner, then readers know what they will get. 2. Direct Address One of the things I love about writing web content is that you can address readers directly. Its like having a conversation with someone who is in the same room. When writing web content, your writing voice is often like your speaking voice, and its a great idea to let your personality shine through. 3. Clear Language With web content, you are writing for an international audience, and not everyone speaks the same first language as you do. Thats why its best to stay away from obscure expressions and jargon and use clear and simple language. You can also add examples to make it even easier for reader to understand. 4. Break It Up If you want your web content to be user friendly, you have to make it digestible. That means breaking it into small chunks, usually with one main idea in a paragraph. Its also a good idea to make the article scannable by adding a subheading for each main idea. That means that readers will be able to glance at the subheadings and pick out the main ideas. 5. Summarize If an idea is worth saying, then its worth saying again. A bulleted list that summarizes the main points is another good way to make sure that readers understand your article. Heres a recap of this article as an example. To write a good web article: Choose a good, descriptive title. Talk to your readers as though they are in the same room. Use clear language. Make articles scannable, with one main idea per paragraph. Add a summary. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in SDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Sunday, November 3, 2019
BHE 415 - Community and Domestic Violence (Module 4-CBT) Essay
BHE 415 - Community and Domestic Violence (Module 4-CBT) - Essay Example So abuse is more serious than the neglect even though neglect is also termed as an abuse. Mr. Jones is an 80 year old male who has recently experienced a decline in health status. His daughter Jane, who abuses alcohol, has recently moved in with him, as she lacks the monetary resources to live alone. She has assumed a care-giving role. Mr. Jones senses that she resents caring for him, and has become somewhat fearful of her. He seeks information concerning his fears. It is extremely important to let Mr.Jones know what is termed as abuse and what are the typical characteristics of the abusers. This information will not only help him to know his rights but also will help him to call for help immediately if he finds the signs of abuse hence preventing major injury. Physical abuse is the type of abuse where the caregiver or any other person uses physical force with the intention of causing harm to the person who is old. Not only slapping, beating and striking but also physical restraint, tying with rope, force feeding and inappropriate use of drugs is also considered physical abuse. This kind of physical violence can result in bruises, scars, injuries and also death (Quinn & Tomita 1997 p49). Sexual abuse is defined as a sexual contact with the elderly person which is not consensual. This includes rape, forced nudity, sexually explicit photography, touching the genitals or breast etc. This is one of the most traumatic kind of abuse as it is not evident from physical examination. It can cause depression and sadness and can make elderly person to lose hope about life. The emotional abuse are of
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