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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Addressing Industry Dependency Essay
Magnificent Entertainment Groups is the parent organization of Regal Cinemas, which is comprised of Regal Cinemas, the United Artists Theaters, and the Edwards Theater. It runs the biggest venue circuit in the U.S., and utilizations the multiplex film model in metropolitan and metropolitan development territories. The cinema business is profoundly serious, both inside the film media outlet (as with Netflix and pilfered films) and with substitute merchandise, for example, live exhibitions, eateries, and games. What's more, industry rivals have a very low level separation from each other, which is halfway because of the responsive idea of the business. It is additionally because of the extensive reliance on significant film creation organizations. Regal’s reliance on the film creation organizations for gainful movies and film promoting adds to its absence of separation from its significant rivals, which upsets its productivity potential in a market of undecided purchasers. See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay This report suggests that Regal seek after both a functioning promotion crusade group to convey the message of Regal’s esteem legitimately to the shopper (a training not customarily saw in the cinema business) to make brand acknowledgment, and produce organizations and concurrences with live execution settings, using Regal’s existing advanced innovation. Thusly, Regal could expand its overall revenues, decline itsâ dependency on amount and nature of standard film organizations, make more prominent incentive to shoppers and partners, and give new amusement prospects and network encounters that have not been accessible on this scale previously. Position Organization Overview Superb Entertainment Group was made out of a union of the Regal Cinemas, the United Artists Theaters, and the Edwards Theaters in 2002 (â€Å"Regal Entertainment Group Company History†). Glorious Cinemas are principally a line of multiplex, first-run theaters in urban, metropolitan, and rural development territories. It as of now works the biggest venue circuit in the United States, with 520 theaters, averaging 12.6 screens per area, with a sum of 6,558 screens. (Structure 10-K 4) It is as of now one of the ‘big three’ rivals in this industry. Strategic, and Values Superb Entertainment doesn't at present have a crucial vision proclamation. It is fitting to make such explanations so as to improve financial specialist and representative comprehension of what Regal would like to be, and better center its endeavors and endeavors to take care of current and future issues (Yuthas 9-10). Be that as it may, their business procedures recorded on the Regal Investor Relations site page give some knowledge into the company’s values. The four techniques recorded are expanding investor esteem, seeking after particular development openings, seeking after premium encounters openings, and seeking after vital acquisitions and organizations. Joining these techniques with their metropolitan multiplex methodology, their business scene demonstrates a drive to extend, utilizing economies of scale to make an incentive for the watcher, just as their accomplices and providers. Their exercises will better mirror their qualities, and will be talked about in more pr ominent length in this report, under the Current Activities segment. Key Stakeholders Regal’s key partners incorporate the standard classes: investors, providers, workers, and colleagues. Regal’s primary providers are their food and refreshment providers and the significant film creation organizations that Regal relies upon for their first-run films. The food and beverageâ suppliers incorporate refreshment organizations like the Coca-Cola Company, and confectionary organizations like Tootsie Roll Industries, Cadbury Schweppes, and the American Licorice Company. Regal’s sheer size makes it an attractive customer, and the economies of scale advantage the two gatherings. Accomplices of note incorporate AMC, one of its significant rivals, with whom Regal mutually claims Open Road Films, a film appropriation organization. This will be talked about in more detail under the Current Activities area. AMC could possibly dominate if Regal somehow managed to go under, however parting the expense and the danger of another endeavor is an advantage to AMC. Superb likewise keeps up an interest in National CineMedia (NCM), as does AMC and Cinemark (Form 10-K 74). NCM is a promoting administration that demonstrations through films to arrive at the shopper. While this considers all the more promoting inside Regal Cinemas, Regal at present doesn't publicize itself outside of its theaters and site. NCM and Regal have a commonly useful relationship, wherein Regal’s geographic region and quantities of theaters give NCM more noteworthy introduction, while Regal advantages from the cash from the promoters. Be that as it may, Regal does minimal outside publicizing for its films. Great Entertainment Group made the Regal Foundation, which is a non-benefit magnanimous association â€Å"committed to [improving] the personal satisfaction in the networks wherein [Regal operates] by giving assets and different assets to help the activities of national and neighborhood beneficent substances (â€Å"Community Affairs†)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Some of it recipients incorporate the Will Rogers Institute, and their accomplices incorporate the Boys and Girls Club of America, the American Red Cross, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation (â€Å"Community Affairs†). These partners depend on Regal’s productivity to proceed effectively, so as to keep up their altruistic help. Current Financial State Majestic reports an aggregate of 211 million film watchers in toward the finish of the financial year December 2011, and as of late announced profits of $0.21,declared for Class An and B normal offer. These profits have been dispersed for as long as four quarters (Form 10-K 97). Grand foresees proceeded with profits within a reasonable time-frame, yet note that profits are viewed as quarterly and are possibly paid when their Board of Directions favors them. From May of 2002 to the furthest limit of December of 2011, Regal has returned $3.3 billion in real money profits to their investors (Form 10-K 5). The cinema industryâ as an entire has a genuinely low net revenue to plunge into, and Regal has indistinguishable estimated expenses and incomes from its rivals (Mintel †Leading Companies). Regal’s 2011 10-K expresses an overall gain of $40 million dollars, and money and money reciprocals of $253 million, with $174 million in creditor liabilities (54); Regal seems positive about its capacity to met its commitments. Current Activities In 2003, a year after its combination, Regal expelled computer games demonstrating â€Å"graphic portrayals of sexual conduct or nudity,†â€Å"graphically rough character deaths†or â€Å"human-like characters enduring gore or potentially dismemberment.†It additionally evacuated games delineating â€Å"violence toward law implementation officials or different figures of power or the ‘glorification of criminal behavior (Earnest).’†A possible purpose behind this choice might be Regal’s significant investor, Philip Anschutz, who is vigorously associated with Conservative and fundamentalist Christian legislative issues, and effectively bolsters Christian and family-accommodating film (Haber). The point seems, by all accounts, to be to outfit the open territories of the venues towards an all the more family-accommodating methodology, in spite of the fact that this has had no impact on the MPAA film evaluations that the venues would typica lly appear. This might be pertinent to any progressions they wish to make to the business later on. Glorious seems, by all accounts, to be genuinely responsive to showcase changes instead of being proactive. They, as have their rivals, turned a lot of consideration regarding advanced, 3-D, and IMAX innovations (â€Å"Market Size and Trends†). Great has been contributing a lot of time and exertion into IMAX innovation, just as their own form of IMAX, called RPX (Regal Premium Experience), which underscores improved uncompressed encompass sound. Another pattern that Regal has followed is making an eating involvement with theater with its auxiliary, Cinebarre. There are 28 areas that are exploring different avenues regarding different menu things, evaluating methodologies, and serving styles, for example, the conventional café as opposed to having the option to arrange straightforwardly from the crowd seating. A couple of areas have brew and wine accessibility, and an aggregate of 5 are trying the direct-to-seating Cinebarre strategy (Form 10-K 14). One of the significant crowd attracts to the multiplex structure is the sweeping experience that includes â€Å"the utilization of the space just as the visual utilization of the movie†(Hubbard). Open Road Films is mutually claimed by Regal and AMC. According to Regal’s 2011 Annual Report, they accept that â€Å"Open Road Films has a one of a kind chance to fill a hole in the commercial center made by the major studios’ large spending establishment film methodology by advertising littler spending films in a savvy way which [Regal] believe[s] will drive extra benefactors to [sic] theaters and produce an arrival on [sic] capital investment†(12). They are approximating that they will inevitably be dispersing eight to ten movies for every year, viably occupying any dead space left by the significant film creation organizations. Industry Overview Key Players and Market Share The significant contenders that Regal at present fights with are Cinemark and AMC. Both of these organizations have abroad markets, which Regal doesn't. Both likewise lean toward land areas like those favored by Regal. This is not out of the ordinary, as the multiplex structure is generally productive in such metropolitan and developing rural territories that these first-run, multiplex performance centers want to find themselves in. Grand at present holds 21% of the piece of the pie, with AMC and Cinemark holding 20% and 18% individually (â€Å" Leading Compani
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Did German Ambitions for World Power Make War Inevitable in 1914 free essay sample
The First World War was the greatest and bloodiest war to have been battled with present day innovation and caused wide spread disorder and disaster that until that date was unmatched in Europe. Of the 65,038,810 individuals prepared to battle from all the nations included 8,556,315 passed on, 21,219,452 warriors were harmed, and 7,750,945 were accounted for missing/P. O. W. Since the war was battled on such a monstrous scope, and caused such wide spread disaster, all inside living memory, it makes it both a fascinating and disputable subject, and in view of this there are a wide range of speculations about what the reason for WWI was. The most censured party for the flare-up is Germany. There were a wide range of elements engaged with the occasions prompting war, and Germany ended up at the base of most of them somehow. Indeed, even German history specialist F. Fischer was cited saying â€Å"Germany had a will to war†in his book Griff nach der Weltmacht (Germany’s points in the First World War) [1] Fischer’s hypothesis on the starting points of WWI was that Weltpolitik was impelled on the grounds that Germany needed a war. We will compose a custom paper test on Did German Ambitions for World Power Make War Inevitable in 1914? or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Anyway the effect of the occasions encompassing death of Franz Ferdinand must be considered, just as the different power’s activities/reactions. In 1890 after the excusal of Bismarck for Caprivi, Germany’s Weltpolitik started with three primary points; pilgrim additions, making of financial ranges of prominence, and development of the naval force. It very well may be contended that Germany realized that every one of these strategies would cause strife with different forces, and that they were presented not just to make Germany an incredible force yet in addition to incite a war. In his first years in power Caprivi endeavored to unwind the mind boggling arrangement of collusions and duties Bismarck had made during his long remain in office, and it very well may be said that his most significant choice as per Weltpolitik was his choice not to restore the Reinsurance Treaty among Russia and Germany[2], anyway this was essentially because of Holstein-a senior authority in the remote service who figured out how to utilize Caprivi’s absence of experience of outside undertakings to apply incredible impact over German approach. By wanting to grow their naval force as a feature of Weltpolitik Germany started a maritime expert with Britain. In 1898 came the main German Fleet Act, after two years a second multiplied the quantity of boats to be worked, to nineteen war vessels and twentyâ€three cruisers in the following twenty years By meaning to have a greater naval force than different forces Germany would have liked to turn into an extraordinary force, and t o have impact over the Balkans, and to have the option to increase a pilgrim empire[3]. It very well may be contended that, in light of the fact that as a component of the maritime extension strategy was to keep Britain in obscurity about it, Germany realized maritime development would incite the British and that it could prompt a battle between the forces. With their mysterious maritime race and the production of the Dreadnought, Britain turned out to be seriously incited and soon Germany and Britain were transformed into adversaries. Germany and England had recently been neighborly because of France being their shared foe, yet with the cryptic beginning of a maritime race with Britain Germany drove them away and towards another Britain, Russia and France collusion. This was definitely an enormous contributing component to the occasions prompting WWI, and guaranteed that Britain would not take Germany’s side-a factor that they were badly arranged for and would in the end lead to their loss of the war. Germany’s desire for overall extension, however, is ostensibly the absolute most noticeable occasion whose waves caused World War One. By 1890 practically the entirety of the pioneer domains that were wealthy in send out products and had a decent atmosphere, for example, Africa, were at that point split and part of the major power’s realms so when Germany concluded that she needed to grow her realm overall there was little land to be picked up, and the land that was accessible to be guaranteed was cold or poor thus Germany was confronted with the choices of taking area that nobody needed or to attempt to take the land from another nation. England had wished to have great relations with Germany, however didn't need its options limited by mainland duties, or, as Prime Minister Lord Salisbury put it:  Britain wished to dodge the â€Å"encumbering commitment of an alliance†. Relations with Britain improved, because of the signals by Germany, for example, the Helgoland-Zanzibar Treaty of 1890[4], which killed pilgrim strains in East Africa and gave Germany a maritime base in the North Sea. Russia helped by the dread of an Anglo-German union, aligned itself with France in 1892, stopping many years of French seclusion, which had been one of the points and most prominent accomplishments of the Bismarck framework. Germany made insignificant increases, while an upset France had now increased an amazing partner on Germany’s eastern flank, something which Bismarck had tried to stay away from for his whole time as chancellor. Had Germany not had any desire to cause strife that could end in war then they would have attempted to pick up lands by political methods, buy or simply agreeing to land that was at this point unclaimed. Anyway Germany chose to attempt to take French and British grounds in Africa, estranging them from Germany as well as driving them together and shaping their political fellowship and bolster that would later prompt the triple union. [5] During the Boer war Germany began to help the Boers and furnishing them with the most recent rifles to battle the British with in an expectation that they would rather pick up the grounds and the gold and jewels to be found there by â€Å"diplomatic†implies after the British had been beaten. Their offer for the Boer lands was fruitless, and they drove the judgment of the Boer war, and the British’s utilization of inhumane imprisonments and the killing of detainees without preliminary incidentally some 40 after 50 years they would themselves utilize this strategy for a bigger scope are still sentenced right up 'til the present time for it. This drove Britain and France into establishing a partnership in 1904, and the Moroccan emergencies of 1905 and 1911 just served to drive them closer together for security against Germany’s animosity. Germany’s activities additionally made different powers very antagonistic towards her, making mass clash. It was this forceful demeanor combined with different nations dread and worry that made mass pressure all through Europe. Because of their forceful international strategy and expansionism plans, by 1912 Germany ended up encompassed by unfriendly nations. The Kaiser and driving military pioneers held a war bureau meeting to talk about â€Å"how to escape this mess†. It was concluded that as they were encircled by threatening nations that they would require a partner to help battle out. The choice to align with Austria as opposed to Russia is the thing that prompted the marking of the â€Å"Blank Cheque†of help for Austria[6]. It was additionally concluded that if a war happened that it would in all probability be in the Balkans, and that the sooner it happened the better in such a case that Russia had additional time they could turn out to be too solid to even consider defeating, and as their partner Britain would be hauled into it in favor of Russia-something that Germany didn't need as they looked for Britain as partners. Despite the fact that it tends to be said that Germany set the wheels of WWI moving, it tends to be contended that it was not at Kaiser Wilhelm’s bearing alone, it was likewise because of Bismarck. Bismarck’s union frameworks had made competition and doubt between the forces, causing overall pressure. The first of the significant coalitions to be shaped was Germany with Austria-Hungary framing the Duel Alliance to battle Russian impact in the Balkans, and in 1882 extended to incorporate Italy and turned into the Triple Alliance. Bismarck’s Franco-Prussian war of 1871 finished in France being vanquished by the Germans, and the development of a partnership framework to confine France, and afterward Germany constrained France to pay Germany reparations. This union framework, albeit fleeting, permitted Germany to get more grounded and permitted her to believe that she could pull off an increasingly forceful international strategy in the coming a very long time as there had been pretty much nothing/no intercession with their war with France[7]. In 1892 the Triple Entente, a partnership between France, Russia and Britain was framed to balance the power of the Triple Alliance and prompted elevated pressures as Germany wound up surrounded by unfriendly powers. A great deal of accentuation is put on Germany’s inclusion in and activities paving the way to WWI anyway there are numerous other conspicuous contributing variables that can be said to have caused the war. One of these is the flimsiness in the Balkans. After the decrease of the Turkish Empire there was a â€Å"power vacuum†in the Balkans[8]. Both Russia and Austria needed to control the Balkans as were not dependable in a coalition together, thus Germany decided to recharge a union with the Austro-Hungarian Empire as opposed to Russia. Serbia a yearning Slavic state won its autonomy from the Turkish Empire aligned itself with Russia, and the Austrians assumed responsibility for Bosnia in 1908 making them nearly reach boiling point with Russia who had trusted that the â€Å"Black Hand†from Serbia would acclimatize Bosnia into Serbia. Austria thought back to the Duel collusion among themselves and Germany, who vowed to help them in the event that they battled with Russia. [9] After the death of the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand from Austria by an individual from the Black Hand the Balkans wound up split in two, with Serbia and Russia on one side, an
Saturday, August 8, 2020
This Page Left Intentionally Blank
This Page Left Intentionally Blank Many books begin with a page that reads, This page left intentionally blank. But of course its not blank. And its not even intentional. Yet it masquerades as both. Dont we consumers do the same thing? We aspire toward a simpler life, yet we clutter it with noxious nonessentials. An actual blank page neednt announce itselfâ€"its merely blank. Likewise for a simple lifeâ€"its simple not because it reports to be, but because of whats there, and what isnt. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How Exercise Is Improved By Executing Aerobic Exercise
Exercise has been associated with many different kinds of positive effects in individuals. For example, physical and mental disorders occur less in individuals who exercise (Hillman, Erickson, Kramer, 2008). A more recent idea is that exercise is associated with increased cognitive performance (Hogan, Mata, Carstensen, 2013). Different aspects of exercise and memory have been studied. One study showed that running had a positive effect on vocabulary learning (Griffin, Mullally, Foley, Warmington, O Mara, Kelly, 2011). Another illustrated how working memory is improved by executing aerobic exercise (Quelhas Martins , Kavussanu , Willoughby , Ring , 2013). Cognitive performance on the Stroop test was also increased following a high†¦show more content†¦The altered brain activity in children who exercise could be a prime example of how the difference in brain activity after exercising could improve memory consolidation. The current view on memory formation is that there is first a learning phase, an intermediate phase, and then consolidation of the information, which results in long-term memory (Snigdha, Rivera, Milgram, Cotman, 2014). If exercise has been proven to improve performance at the first two phases, then consolidation of the information should be improved as well. A recent study determined the effects of aerobic exercise and memory consolidation in canines. The results showed that there was enhanced consolidation in the canines that exercised prior to performing the different memory tasks (Snigdha, 2014). Although this experiment was done with canines, it is one of the few that has directly associated memory consolidation and exercise. The improved performance in consolidation of canines could very well have the same outcome in humans too. One issue that could be troubling while studying effects of exercise and memory is determining whether it is state dependent or not. Since the brain i s aroused while learning the new information after exercising, the information could be better retrieved following exercise as well. It is important to determine whether or not it is state dependent. The assumption is that memory is consolidated much better when exercise is performed prior toShow MoreRelatedSummary on Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance in Badminton2942 Words  | 12 Pagesof energy to quickly move around the court, deliver effective shots and sustain a match. Knowing how this energy is generated is crucial.All other things being equal, the player with more stamina will most likely win a match in baminton. This is because while good stroke skills, effective shot placements and fast footwork are important characteristics in a good player, fitness is necessary in executing and sustaining these movements for the duration of a match. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Changes Brought by Civil Rights Movement Free Essays
The Civil Rights movement, during the 1960s and 1970s, created many changes for both American society and its schools. The transformations were the result of such movements as Bilingual Education, women†s†rights activity, and the passing of the Public Law 94-142 legislation. The incorporation of these new laws and ideas into society all came with their own consequences. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes Brought by Civil Rights Movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each of them helped, in some way, to lessen the inequality of minority groups in America, like students whose primary language was not English, women, and handicapped children. They also faced opposition by certain groups, who did not eel that their inclusion in American life was necessary. Those fighting for the minorities, though, were steadfast in their efforts, and made many successful The Bilingual Education movement in America began in the late 1960s. It was made to be an important issue due to the fact that many Spanish-speaking children were attending schools that only included the English language in their curriculum. This resulted in low academic achievement rates for the students. Bilingual education programs were developed to try to resolve this dilemma in the American schools. In these programs, teaching was given in both Spanish nd English. Some attempts were eventually made to set a standard for the bilingual education and make it a nationally recognized idea. The Bilingual Education Act, passed by Congress in 1968, made an approach to legitimize the instruction of non-English speaking children (U W, 317). It did not set any standards though, so how well the act was observed was basically left up to whose arguments were stronger–the opposers or the defenders. The Supreme Court popularized the issue in 1974, in the Lau vs. Nichols case. This case involved â€Å"Chinese American children in San Francisco who spoke little or no English†(ibid. . Those fighting for the children wanted them to receive extra attention in teaching English. After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the children, various proposals were given to attempt to solve The inclusion of bilingual education in America†s school†s curriculum brought about different ideas on how to resolve the issue. The first of these approaches suggested that there be a special curriculum for non-English speakers, so that they can concentrate on learning the English language. The second involved taking non-English speaking students out of regular classrooms until they learned the language fully. The third approach, bilingual education, suggested teaching the student†s native language and English equally. According to Urban and Wagoner in American Education: A History, â€Å"advocates of this last approach sometimes emphasized biculturalism as well and These attempts were both supported and opposed by various parties. Those who defended incorporation of bilingual education into American schools included politicians and other Hispanic leaders, who were trying to prevent assimilation. Opposers included â€Å"teachers, Anglo politicians, and some Hispanic intellectuals†, who thought that it was important for the children to ssimilate in to the society (ibid. ). Women†s rights activity also became popular in the 1960s, but did not have many large effects on the schools. Teachers did not want to be involved with the feminists, and so the activists also distanced themselves from the teachers. The hard work and determination of the feminists did though, bring about the passing of the Title IX of the Higher Education Act in 1972 (ibid. , 320). This act instilled gender equality in institutions of higher education, and has played a monumental role in regulating fairness among the sexes in colleges and The Title IX continues to aid in maintaining equality between college men and women, among other things, though there is still work to be done. The act has been successful supporting attempts to bring more female administrators into schools. In actuality though, women principals and administrators in schools and school districts are still scarce (ibid. ). Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, was an act of legislation passed by Congress in 1972. It assured that all handicapped children received equal public education. It also allowed disabled hildren to be students in regular classrooms, an idea called â€Å"mainstreaming†(ibid. ). Included in the act, was a development called the individualized education plan (IEP). This plan was for all handicapped students enrolled in the program, and it would analyze the children†s†progress, as well as any goals that Public Law 94-142 encountered intense debates from both supporters and opposers. The children and their parents greatly approved of the special education program because it provided a much more favorable education than what they were receiving previously. They were getting a chance to be educated n the same atmosphere as children without disabilities. Others who opposed mainstreaming and the special education programs included various school officials, and the parents of non-handicapped children. The officials believed that Congress was violating the school system, by enacting educational legislation, without providing a way to fund it. The parents were angered because they felt that the handicapped children brought in to the classrooms would take too much attention away from their children†s†education. This issue was never quite resolved with the legislation, and it still remains today. The Bilingual Education movement, women†s rights activity, and Public Law 94-142 are just a few of the ideas, movements, and acts of legislation that produced changes in American society and the education system in the 1960s and 1970s. Some, like bilingual education, affected what was taught in the classroom. Others, like the women†s rights movement, and Public Law 94-142, transformed the schools themselves, and also who was attending them. Each included their own outcome and consequences when they were enacted. The outcomes, in fact, have allowed for standards that exist in American schools today. How to cite Changes Brought by Civil Rights Movement, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Finance and Investor Strategy Samples †
Questions: 1.How are you going to fund the company? 2.What is your dividend policy? Answers: Finance Strategy Finance Strategy involves critical decisions in every economic climate, especially in cases of start-up funds, expanding capital or in cases to hold during tough times. While obtaining funding or finances for corporate functions there are several factors that has to be considered(Smith, 2011). The types of finances might vary for varied businesses. They can be Crowdfunding, bank loan, equity or bootstrapping, funding from friends or family, Angel investors, business partners, venture capitalists, cloud funding or any other suitable methods. In equity bootstrapping method the business is expected to fund itself as it grows. In case of self-funding approach, entrepreneurs are seen to fund their own business ventures. Often businesses obtains loan from their family and friends for the purpose of raising capital. Angel investors are individuals who want to invest into businesses. Cloud funding are group of investors that access by means of internet. Venture capitalists are those eager to fund businesses during their start-up period. Crowdfunding are web-based projects that fund business ventures. Determining type of financing is primarily dependent on overall business strategy and cash flows that are generated out of the project. Cash flows that are generated from a particular project for which investment is sort is used to payback funding that is raised for it. Such paybacks can happen in varied methods as fixed payments, payments through dividends or any other processes(Johnson, 2008). Interest rates or payment terms help access and understand type of finance strategy that is to be selected for a given type of project. Investor Strategy Every Company has a set of guidelines or policy that is used to ascertain dividend policy. Divided policy helps ascertaining payments that the company needs to make towards its shareholders(Bushee, 2012). A Company can select any of the three types of dividend policy as residual dividend policy, stability dividend policy or a hybrid of the two dividend policy. Approaches to dividend policy is ascertained based on joint decisions taken by shareholders along with management of the company. In case of residual dividend policy, the company selects on internal equity generation for financing of new projects. Dividend incomes hence come from leftover equity post meeting of capital requirement for a particular project. This methods helps maintain debt is to equity ratios prior to making any sort of dividend distributions. Dividend stability policy results from any sort of fluctuations that is generated from residual policy. In stability dividends are paid quarterly as set against fractions of yearly earnings(Ingley, 2011). This is a certain dividend income method for equity holders as it generates regular income. Hybrid dividend policy is a combination of stable and residual dividend policy. As per this concept, companies view debt is to equity ratio as a long-term approach as against short term goal. This approach is adopted more by corporates towards paying off their dividends to equity shareholders. References Bushee, B. J. (2012). Investor relations, firm visibility, and investor following. The Accounting Review, 867-897. Ingley, C. M. (2011). The financial crisis, investor activists and corporate strategy: will this mean shareholders in the boardroom? Journal of Management Governance, 557-587. Johnson, G. S. (2008). Exploring corporate strategy: text cases. Pearson Education. Smith, J. S. (2011). Entrepreneurial finance: strategy, valuation, and deal structure. Stanford University Press.
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